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更新时间: 2024-04-27 03:36:37

1、【题目】汉译英:生活就像一杯红酒, 热爱生活的人会从其中品出无穷无尽的美妙。将它握在手中仔细观察, 它的暗红色中有血的感觉, 那正是生命的痕迹。抿一口留在口中回味, 它的甘甜中有一丝苦涩, 如人生一般复杂迷离。喝一口下肚,余香沁人心脾,让人终身受益。红酒越陈越美味,生活越丰富越美好。当人生走向晚年,就如一瓶待开封的好酒,其色彩是沉静的,味道中充满慷慨与智慧。


Life is like a cup of wine; people who love it discover inexhaustible wonders from it. Hold in the hand and gaze at it, the dark red color is reminiscent of the blood, which is the impress of life. Take a sip of it and appreciate the taste, the bittersweet flavor is exactly the same with life, which is complicated and blurred. Once the sip is swallowed, the lingering fragrance pleases the heart and refreshes the mind, leaving a person lifelong benefit. There was a remarkable resemblance between life and wine: the taste becomes more delicious as the wine mellows, just as life gets better as it becomes more abundant. When life comes to twilight years, it looks calm and tastes full of wisdom and generosity, just like a bottle of wine to be savored.



1、【题目】Bernard Bailyn has recentlyreinterpretedthe early historyof the United States by applyingnew socialresearchfindingson theexperiencesofEuropean migrants.Inhisreinterpretation,migrationbecomes the organizingprinciplefor rewritingthe historyofpreindustrial North America. His approach rests on four separate propositions.The firstof these asserts that residentsof early modern England moved regularlyabouttheir countryside; migrating to the New World was simply a natural spillover. Although atfirstthe colonies held littlepositiveattractionfor the English D they would rather havestayed home D by the eighteenth century people increasingly migrated to America becausethey regarded it as the land of opportunity. Secondly, Bailyn holds that, contrary to thenotion that used to flourish in America history textbooks, there was never a typical NewWorld community.For example, the economic and demographiccharacterof early New Englandtowns varied considerably.Bailyn's third proposition suggest two general patterns prevailing among the manythousands of migrants:one group came as indenturedservants,another came to acquire land.Surprisingly,Bailyn suggests that those who recruitedindentured servants were the drivingforces of transatlanticmigration.These colonialentrepreneurshelped determine the socialcharacterof people who came to preindustrialNorth America.At first,thousands ofunskilled laborers were recruited; by the 1730's, however, American employers demandedskilled artisans.Finally, Bailyn argues that the colonies were a half-civilized hinterland of theEuropean culture system. He is undoubtedly correct to insist that the colonies were partof an Anglo-American empire. But to divide the empire into English core and colonialperiphery, as Bailyn does, devalues the achievements of colonial culture. It is true, asBailyn claims, that high culture in the colonies never matched that in England. But whatof seventeenth-century New England, where the settlers created effective laws, built adistinguished university, and published books Bailyn might respond that New England wasexceptional. However, the ideas and institutions developed by New England Puritans hadpowerful effects on North American culture.Although Bailyn goes on to apply his approach to some thousands of indenturedservantswho migrated just prior to the revolution, he fails to link their experience with thepolitical development of the United States. Evidence presented in his work suggests howwe might make such a connection. These indentured servants were treated as slaves for theperiod during which they had sold their time to American employers. It is not surprisingthat as soon as they served their time they passed up good wages in the cities and headedwest to ensure theirpersonal independence by acquiringland. Thus, it is in the west thata peculiarly American political culture began, among colonists who were suspicious ofauthority and intensely anti-aristocratic.

1.Which of the followingstatements about migrants to colonialNorth America is supportedby information in the text

[A] A larger percentage of migrants to colonial North America came as indenturedservants than as free agents interested in acquiring land.

[B] Migrants who came to the colonies as indentured servants were more successful atmaking a livelihood than were farmers and artisans.

[C] Migrants to colonialNorth America were more successfulat acquiringtheir own landduring the eighteenth century than during the seventeenth century.

[D] By the 1730's,migrants already skilled in a trade were in more demand by Americanemployers than were unskilled laborers.

2.The author of the text states that Bailyn failed to

[A] Give sufficient emphasis to the cultural and political interdependence of thecolonies and England.

[B] Describe carefully how migrants of different ethnic backgrounds preserved theirculture in the United States.

[C] Take advantage of social research on the experiences of colonists who migrated tocolonial North America specifically to acquire land.

[D] Relate the experience of the migrants to the politicalvalues that eventuallyshapedthe character of the United States.

3.Which of the following best summarizes the author's evaluation of Bailyn's fourthproposition

[A] It is totally implausible.

[B] It is partially acceptable.

[C] It is highly admirable.

[D] It is controversial though persuasive.

4.According to the text,Bailyn and the author agree on which of the followingstatementsabout the culture of colonial New England

[A] High culture in New England never equaled the high culture of England.

[B] The culturalachievements of colonialNew England have generallybeen unrecognizedby historians.

[C] The colonistsimitatedthe high cultureof England , and did not develop a culturethat was uniquely their own.

[D] The southern colonies were greatly influenced by the high culture of New England.

5.The author of the text would be most likely to agree with which of the followingstatements about Bailyn's work

[A] Bailyn underestimates the effects of Puritan thought on North American culture.

[B] Bailyn overemphasizes the economic dependence of the colonies on Great Britain.

[C] Bailyn'sdescriptionof thecoloniesas part of an Anglo-American empireis misleading and incorrect.

[D] Bailyn failedto test his propositionson a specificgroup of migrants to colonialNorth America.





















For a Balance between Technology and Life

Technology, broadly defined as the use of tools, has a long history. Ever since Erg the caveman first conked an animal with a rock, people have been using technology. For thousands of years, the use of tools allowed people to move ever closer together. Because fields could be cultivated and the technology to store food existed, people would live in cities rather than in small nomadic tribes. However, in the past centuries, both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing.

First, the Industrial Revolution deprived people to a large extent of the pleasure of communication during work. It is true that the revolution introduced and spread technologies that mechanized many tasks and saved people much labor, but as a result of the drive toward more efficient production and distribution, people began to act as cogs in the technological machine. Clothing was no longer produced by groups of women sewing and gossiping together, but by down-trodden automation's operating machinery in grim factories.

Secondly, the new technology of today, computers and the Internet, pushed people further to the abyss of loneliness. Truly, they have made work ever more efficient and knit the world together in a web of information and phone lines. The world has been made into one in which Erg need not check in to his office; he can just dial in from home. He won't need to go to a bar to pick up women because there are all those chat rooms. Hungry? Erg orders his groceries from an online delivery service. Bored? Download a new game. And yet……However, many people, myself included, are a little queasy about that vision. Erg may be doing work, but is it real work? Are his online friends real friends? Can he really enjoy this solitude?

Actually, since the Industrial Revolution, we have been haunted by the prospect that we are turning into our machines: efficient, productive, and soulless. The newest technologies, we fear, are making us flat as our screens, turning us into streams of bits of interchangeable data. We may know a lot of people, but we have few real friends. We have a lot of things to do, but no reason to do them. In short, the new technology emphasizes a spiritual crisis that has been building for quite some time.

While I am certainly not a Luddite, I do believe we need to look for a bit more balance between technology and life. We have to tear ourselves away from the fatal distractions and go out into the world. Technology has given us long lives and endless supplies of information. Now we need to apply that information, use the time we're not spending conking our dinner with a club, and find our reasons for living.





Camellia’s flowering period starts from December and ends in the next April,and the colors of the flowers are bright and showy with red in majority, yellow, white and other colors in minority. It’s the city’s largest camellia show in recent three years, which fully displays camellia ’s various species as well as human’s scientific research level of it. In order to provide the majority of plant-lovers with more opportunities to closely appreciate the beauty of camellia, the area of the Camellia Show is extended to the whole garden so that it can bring more convenience for the visitors.

The Camellia Show takes over two months, in which more than 200 various camellias will be presented successively.










Failure Teaches Success

Paul Ehrlich, a chemist, discovered a drug to treat those afflicted with syphilis(梅毒). It was named "Formula 606," because the first 605 tests were mistakes. The lesson we can draw from this story is clear and simple: discovery or progress is born in mistakes.

Making mistakes is a valuable learning experience. A now famous story at IBM involved founder Thomas Watson and one of his vice presidents who took the initiative on the development of a new product. As reported in Fortune, the product was a risky venture that ended up a colossal failure and cost the company $10 million. Watson called the executive into his office saying there was something he wanted to discuss with him. Sure he was about to lose his job; the young man blurted out, "I guess you want my resignation?" Watson replied, "You must be kidding. We've just spent $10 million educating you." Watson's logic is this: anyone making a multi-million-dollar mistake had to learn something that would help him do a better job the next time.

Furthermore, making mistakes gives one an opportunity to try a new approach. China's progress in the past decades is a case in point. After Liberation in 1949, China, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, gradually built up a nationwide state-run economy. This mode of economy was originally intended to ensure both stable economic development and social justice. Unfortunately, what it resulted in was economic stagnation and lasting poverty. Recognizing this fatal mistake in Mao's economic policy, Deng Xiaoping took a new approach—a gradual but dramatic reform. He first introduced some elements of market economy, hoping to juxtapose planned economy and market economy. This approach worked for some years, but then proved ineffective. Finally, after a series of trials and errors, he decided that market economy was China's only choice. Due to this strategic turning, China's economy has now embarked upon a stable and dynamic course. Although Mao's mistakes caused Chinese people painful sacrifice, we are lucky that we have learned our lessons and now we are marching on the road of prosperity.

Admittedly, mistakes will not automatically lead to discovery or progress. We must analyze every failure to find its cause; we must honestly face defeat and never fake success; we must exploit the failure, we must never use failure as an excuse for not trying again. In a word, we must learn how to fail intelligently.

As a saying goes, to err is human. To this I would add: To learn from errors is progress.



1、【题目】The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-by-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed intuition to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty, and surprise ; and to integrate action into the process of thinking. Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition. In general, however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is. Some see it as the opposite of rationality; others view it as an excuse for capriciousness. Isenberg's recent research on the cognitive processes of senior managers reveals that managers' intuition is neither of these. Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform well-learned behavior patterns rapidly. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational, but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills. A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bitsm of data and practice into an integrated picture, often in an Aha! experience. Fourth, some managers use intuition as a check on the results of more rational analysis. Most senior executives are familiar with the formal decision analysis models and tools, and those who use such systematic methods for reaching decisions are occasionally leery of solutions suggested by these methods which run counter to their sense of the correct course of action. Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move rapidly to engender a plausible solution. Used in this way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns.One of the implications of the intuitive style of executive management is that thinking is inseparable from acting. Since managers often know what is right before they can analyze and explain it, they frequently act first and explain later.Analysis is inextricably tiedto actionin thinking/actingcycles,in which managers develop thoughtsabout theircompanies and organizations not by analyzing aproblematic situation and then acting, butby acting and analyzing in close concert.Given the great uncertainty of many of the management issues that they face, seniormanagers often instigatea course of action simply to learn more about an issue. They thenuse the results of the action to develop a more complete understanding of the issue. Oneimplicationof thinking/actingcycles is that action is often part of definingthe problem,not just of implementing the solution.

1. According to the text, senior managers use intuition in all of the following ways EXCEPT to

[A] Speed up of the creation of a solution to a problem.

[B] Identify a problem.

[C] Bring together disparate facts.

[D] Stipulate clear goals.

2. The text suggests which of the following about the writers on management mentionedin line 1, paragraph 2

[A] They have criticized managers for not following the classical rational model ofdecision analysis.

[B] They have not based their analyses on a sufficientlylarge sample of actual managers.

[C] They have relied in drawing their conclusions on what managers say rather than onwhat managers do.

[D] They have misunderstood how managers use intuition in making business decisions.

3. It can be inferred from the text that which of the following would most probablybe one major differencein behavior between Manager X, who uses intuitionto reach decisions,and Manager Y, who uses only formal decision analysis

[A] Manager X analyzes first and then acts; Manager Y does not.

[B] Manager X checks possiblesolutions toa problem by systematicanalysis ; ManagerY does not.

[C] Manager X takes action in order to arrive at the solution to a problem; ManagerY does not.

[D] Manager Y draws on years of hands-on experience in creatinga solutionto a problem ;Manager X does not.

4. The text provides support for which of the following statements

[A] Managers who rely on intuition are more successful than those who rely on formaldecision analysis.

[B] Managers cannot justify their intuitive decisions.

[C] Managers'' intuition works contrary to their rational and analytical skills.

[D] Intuitionenables managers to employ theirpracticalexperience more efficiently.

5. Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph of the text

[A] An assertion is made and a specific supporting example is given.

[B] A conventional model is dismissed and an alternative introduced.

[C] The results of recent research are introduced and summarized.

[D] Two opposing points of view are presented and evaluated.















The present world witnesses invention and use of various robots, some of whom even can play games with human and defeat the latter. Such being the case, many are worried that robots will surpass human beings in intelligence and enslave them, while others believe that the human mind will always be superior to machines because machines are only tools of human minds. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words.

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.



Robots: Superior to Mankind?

Nowadays, there is a public controversy concerning the issue of whether mankind will always be superior to machines. Some people argue that since machines are only tools of humankind, they will always be inferior to us, while others hold that machines, especially computers with artificial intelligence, will ultimately surpass us in every aspect of intellectual life. In my opinion, we must carefully consider what we mean by the word "superior" before we can answer the question.

If "superior" is meant to mean the knowledge, speed, and accuracy in doing certain technical jobs, the machines of our day will surpass human beings in most areas, given their efficiency and endurance. For instance, a specially designed computer program can solve a complex equation in moments that would take a person working with pencil and paper several days to solve. What's more, computers can keep on working for days even months without any need for rest and no diminishment in accuracy, while people require rest and recreation. Computers can store and instantly retrieve vast amounts of information in its memory while people may often forget the most important thing. Some machines, such as a hoist, are capable of accomplishing feats of strength that no human individual could ever dream of. In this sense, machines are like miracles that we have created to help us in our adaptation and reconstruction of the material world.

However, if the word "superior" is defined on the basis of creative thinking and emotional sensitivity, machines are inferior to mankind, at least at the present time. For example, we recognize familiar faces within a second or less, but a computer must follow a series of complex procedures in order to recognize even a face that has been presented to it thousands of times. Besides, while computers have been developed that are capable of producing works of art, such as pictures and musical compositions, such computer-generated works are devoid of any their creator's feelings since computers are non-sensate. Since machines, especially computers, are developing at a tremendous rate today, we can't rule out the possibility that in the future the machines can surpass humans in almost every field. But up to now, it is still incomparable to the power of human thinking in many aspects and is still under human control. Human beings should make good use of machines and remember that their development is meant to benefit mankind.

For the reasons mentioned above, I hold that humans and machines are not comparable unless we define our specific usage of the word "superior". Machines have the advantage in some areas while the human being holds the edge in the realm of creative thinking. We should utilize machines to support and enhance our thinking about the social life and avoid their improper use and application.



1、【题目】As Gilbert White,Darwin , and others observed long ago, all species appear to have theinnate capacity to increase their numbers from generation to generation. The task forecologistsis to untangle the environmentaand biologicalfactorsthat hold this intrinsiccapacity for population growth in check over the long run. The great variety of dynamicbehaviorsexhibitedby differentpopulationmakes thistaskmore difficult:sompopulations remain roughly constant from year to year; others exhibit regular cycles ofabundance and scarcity; still others vary wildly, with outbreaks and crashes that arein some cases plainly correlated with the weather, and in other cases not.To impose some order on this kaleidoscopeof patterns , one school of thought proposesdividing populations into two groups. These ecologists posit that the relatively steadypopulations havedensity-dependent growth parameters; that is, rates ofbirth , death ,and migrationwhich depend strongly on population density. The highly varying populationshave density-independent growth parameters, with vital rates buffeted by environmentalevents ;these rates fluctuate in a way that is wholly independent of population density.This dichotomy has its uses, but it can cause problems if taken too literally. Forone thing , no population can be driven entirely by density-independent factors all thetime. No matter how severely or unpredictably birth, death , and migration rates may befluctuatingaround theirlong-termaverages , ifthere were no density-dependenteffects ,the populationwould , in the long run , eitherincrease or decrease without bound (barringa miracle by which gains and losses canceled exactly)。 Put another way, it may be thaton average 99 percent of all deaths in a populationarise from density-independentcauses ,and only one percent from factors varying with density.The factorsmaking up the one percentmay seem unimportant, and their cause may be correspondingly hard to determine. Yet,whether recognized or not, they will usually determine the long-term average populationdensity.In order to understand the nature of theecologist ’s investigation, we may think ofthe density-dependent effectson growth parameters as the signal ecologists are trying toisolateand interpret, one that tends to make the population increase from relativelylowvalues or decrease from relatively high ones, while the density-independent effects actto produce noise in the populationdynamics.For populationsthatremain relativelyconstant , or that oscillate around repeated cycles, the signal can be fairly easilycharacterized and its effects described, even though the causative biological mechanismmay remain unknown. For irregularly fluctuating populations, we are likely to have toofew observations to have any hope of extracting the signal from the overwhelming noise.But it now seems clear that all populationsare regulatedby a mixture of density-dependentand density-independent effects in varying proportions.

1. The author of the text is primarily concerned with

[A] Discussing two categories of factorsthat controlpopulationgrowth and assessingtheir relative importance.

[B] Describinghow growth ratesin naturalpopulationsfluctuateover time andexplaining why these changes occur.

[C] Proposing a hypothesisconcerning population size and suggesting ways to test it.

[D] Posing a fundamental question about environmentalfactorsin populationgrowth andpresenting some currently accepted answer.

2. It can be inferred from the text that the author considers the dichotomy discussedto be

[A] Applicable only to erratically fluctuating populations.

[B] instrumental, but only if its limitations are recognized.

[C] Dangerously misleading in most circumstances.

[D] A complete and sufficient way to account for observed phenomena.

3.to the text , allof the followingbehaviors have been exhibitedby differentpopulations EXCEPT

[A] Roughly constant population levels from year to year.

[B] Regular cycles of increases and decreases in numbers.

[C] Erratic increases in numbers correlated with the weather.

[D] Unchecked increases in numbers over many generations.

4. The discussion concerning population in the third paragraph serves primarily to

[A] Demonstrate the difficultiesecologistsface in studying density-dependentfactorslimiting population growth.

[B] Advocate more rigorous study of density-dependent factors in population growth.

[C] Prove that the death rates of any populationare never entirelydensity-independent.

[D] underline the importance of even small density-dependent factors in regulatinglong-term population densities.

5. In the text, the author does all of the following EXCEPT

[A] Cite the views of other biologists.

[B] Define a basic problem that the text addresses.

[C] Present conceptual categories used by other biologists.

[D] Describe the results of a particular study.
















手机刷新了人与人的关系。会议室门口通常贴着一条通告:请与会者关闭手机。可是会议室里的手机铃声仍然响成一片。我们都是普通人,并没有多少重要的事情。尽管如此, 我们也不会轻易关掉手机。 打开手机象征我们与这个世界的联系。手机反映出我们的 "社交饥渴症 "。最为常见的是,一个人走着走着突然停下来,眼睛盯着手机屏幕发短信。他不在乎停在马路中央还是厕所旁边。



Cell phone has altered / renovated human relations / relationships. There is usually a note on the door of conference room, which reads “close your handset / cell phone.” However, the rings are still resounding in the room. We are all common people and have few urgencies to do. Still, we are reluctant to turn off the phone. Cell phone symbolizes our connection with the world and reflects our“thirst for socialization.”

We are familiar with the scene that a person stops his steps to edit short messages with eyes glued at his phone, regardless of his location, whether in road center or beside restroom.




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